Ahmed M. El-Geneidy | TRAM Group Leader
Professor, School of Urban Planning, McGill University
Co-Editor in Chief, Transport Reviews
Editor, Transportation
Member of CIRRELT, the Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherché sur les Réseaux d'Entreprise, la Logistique et le Transport pour le Québec, le Canada et le monde
PhD, Urban Studies, Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University, USA
MS, Department of Architectural Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
BSc, Department of Architectural Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
Ahmed's research interests include land use and transportation planning, transit operations and planning, travel behavior analysis concentrating on the use of motorized and non-motorized modes of transportation, and measurements of accessibility and mobility in urban contexts. Ahmed has a special interest in measuring and understanding the transportation needs of the disadvantaged populations.
Ahmed is currently teaching several courses at the School of Urban Planning, McGill University, including land use and transport planning, planning for active transportation, and transport economics. For more details about his teaching and supervision please check the teaching section under the TRAM website.
He received B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Department of Architectural Engineering at the University of Alexandria, Egypt, and continued his academic work at Portland State University, where he received a Graduate GIS Certificate and earned a Ph.D. in Urban Studies for his dissertation titled "The use of advanced information technology in urban public transportation systems: An evaluation of bus stop consolidation policy." After finishing his PhD in 2005 he moved to the Twin Cities to work as a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Minnesota with David Levinson and Kevin Krizek. In August 2007 Ahmed moved to Montreal, Canada to start a tenure track position at the School of Urban Planning, McGill University, where he established the Transportation Research at McGill (TRAM) group.
Ahmed is currently serving as co-editor in chief for the Transport Reviews. He is also serving as the editor of Transportation. He served on the board of directors for the regional public transport authority in Montreal Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain (ARTM) from 2017 to 2024, where he also serves on the committee in charge of the customer experience (Comité chargé de la qualité des services aux usagers de transport collectif). He was a member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Public Transportation Planning and Development, AP025 (2011 - 2014; 2014 - 2017; & 2017 - 2020) and Public Transportation Marketing and Fare Policy, AP030 (2012 – 2015, 2015 - 2018, & 2018 - 2021). He also served as editor of the Journal of Transport and Land Use from 2012 till 2021 and was the elected Chair of the World Society on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR) from 2018 till 2021 .
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