Ahmed M. El-Geneidy | TRAM Group Leader
School of Urban Planning
McGill University
Co-Editor in Chief, Transport Reviews
Member of CIRRELT, the Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherché sur les Réseaux d'Entreprise, la Logistique et le Transport pour le Québec, le Canada et le monde
Ahmed's research interests include land use and transportation planning, transit operations and planning, travel behaviour analysis including both motorized (Auto and Transit) and non-motorized (Bicycle and pedestrian) modes of transportation, travel behaviour of disadvantaged populations (seniors and people with disabilities) and measurements of accessibility and mobility in urban contexts.
Meredith Alousi-Jones | Graduate Research Assistant
PhD Student
School of Urban Planning
McGill University
MASc., Civil Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal
B.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal
Meredith finished her masters in Civil Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal, where she developed a keen interest in the link between travel behaviour, travel satisfaction and the built environment. In her masters thesis, she studied the impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on the relationship between Montrealers’ travel satisfaction and their immediate neighbourhood using GIS and survey data, and hypothesized how the the pandemic could impact planning and travel in the long term. Her main research interests are active transportation, more specifically walking, and how urban planning can contribute to healthy and environmentally-friendly travel behaviour.
Hisham Negm | Graduate Research Assistant
PhD Student
School of Urban Planning
McGill University
M.Sc., Architectural Engineering and Urban Design, University of Alexandria, Egypt
B.Sc., Architectural Engineering, University of Alexandria, Egypt
Hisham is a PhD student, with a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering and Urban Design from the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt. During his course of study, he developed an interest in physical urban design and how people use public urban spaces. This led his master’s research to focus on pedestrian stationary and movement behavior in urban spaces, connecting spatial theories with built environment realities and social interactions. Hisham’s current research interest revolves around accessibility by public transport and its relation to improving quality of life of individuals. He has special interest in understanding the travel needs of marginalized groups and its relation to accessibility to generate practice-ready policy recommendations.
Thiago Carvalho dos Reis Silveira | Graduate Research Assistant
PhD Student
School of Urban Planning
McGill University
MASc., Civil Engineering, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brasil
B.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brasil
Thiago graduated from his B.Sc. and MSc. in Civil Engineering at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, where he developed in interested in transport policy, transport satisfaction, and travel behavior. In his master thesis, he developed an integrated framework of social psychology and marketing theories to explain user loyalty towards public transport using survey data and structural equation modeling. His main research interests are public transport, more specifically satisfaction and attitudes, and how urban policies can foster sustainable travel.
Lancelot Rodrigue | Graduate Research Assistant
PhD Student
School of Urban Planning
McGill University
MSc, Department of Geography, McGill University
BASC Sustainability, Science and Society; Minor in Urban Studies, McGill University
Having developed an interest for transportation research in his last year of undergraduate studies, Lancelot has been working with TRAM since May 2021. He has graduated with a BASC in Sustainability, Science and Society and a MSc in Geography both at McGill University and is now pursuing a PhD in Planning, Policy and Design in the School of Urban Planning. While he collected and studied detailed micro-scale walkability data for his Master's thesis, Lancelot is now exploring post-pandemic pricing and funding issues for public-transit and related equity considerations for his doctoral research. Lancelot is also passionate about the intersection between transportation and planning regulation as well as public perceptions of transportation services and projects.
Rodrigo Victoriano | Graduate Research Assistant
PhD Student
School of Urban Planning
McGill University
MSc., Civil Engineering, University of Concepción, Chile
B.Sc., Civil Engineering, University of Concepción, Chile
Rodrigo is a PhD student who graduated from his B.Sc. and MSc. in Civil Engineering at the University of Concepción, Chile, where he developed a deep interest in urban mobility and transport planning. In both his undergraduate and master’s theses he studied the interrelationships of different dimensions that shape people’s travel behavior, including time use, social interaction, and modal choice. Having been born and lived most of his life in Chile, he has a deep concern about problems that are especially relevant in the Global South, and which may be addressed through efficient transport planning, such as income and social inequality. In his last years before coming to Montreal, he collaborated in different research centers where he studied topics related to covid-19 spread and mobility patterns in the Chilean context. Today, he’s excited to start learning and collaborating in TRAM’s research.
Mouza Al Memari | Undergraduate Research Assistant
Social Innovation, Student
Political & Economic Systems
Zayed University
Mouza is a Social Innovation student at Zayed University, specializing in Political & Economic Systems. Passionate about urban planning, Mouza aims to explore how transportation initiatives impact urban well-being. With a focus on improving social cohesion and sustainability, Mouza seeks to contribute innovative solutions to enhance community life.
Panagiotis Goudis | Undergraduate Research Assistant
B Eng, Student
Department of Civil Engineering
McGill University
Panagiotis is a first-year civil engineering undergraduate student at McGill University. His interests mainly lie in sustainable construction and environmentally conscience design, and he is passionate about exploring how civil engineering can contribute to a greener society through innovative practices that minimize negative environmental impact. He aims to gain experience in projects that promote sustainability and efficient urban infrastructure by studying projects like the REM.
Megan James | Undergraduate Research Assistant
B Eng, Student
Department of Civil Engineering
McGill University
Megan is a second-year civil engineering undergraduate at McGill University with a minor in urban studies. Her research interests focus on the intersection of civil engineering with social and urban issues, particularly in transportation infrastructure. She is interested in exploring the resilience of transportation infrastructure and how it can be optimized to promote sustainable and efficient mobility networks.
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