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Transportation Research at McGill (TRAM) is conducting a major research project measuring the social and well-being impacts of the construction of the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) project in Montreal. This research is funded by The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project numbers CIHR PJT-195797, CIHR LIM-192221, CPG-170602, and CPG-170602 X- 253156 and The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Project number CHRPJ 549576-20.
This page is dedicated to posting updates on the research produced from this project by students including policy briefs, reports, and peer reviewed publications. The full list of publications etc. can be found here
Policy Briefs
- Impacts of the blue line closure in October 2024 on riders satisfaction and willingness to recommend the service
- Changes in satisfaction with public transit over time (2019 - 2023)
- Optimisation financière du réseau d'autobus de la STM
- How has the REM changed mobility in the South Shore and on Nun‘s Island?
- Gendered Impacts of REM-related Construction
- Accessibility gains and Travel time savings from the REM
- Measuring the impacts of the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) Progress Report 2019-2023
Peer Reviewed Publications
Towards a better understanding of the construction impacts of a light rail system in Montréal, Canada.
*James, M., *Rodrigue, L., El-geneidy, A. (2024).
Transportation Research Record
*James, M., *Rodrigue, L., El-geneidy, A. (2024).
Transportation Research Record
Situating divergent perceptions of a rapid-cycling network in Montréal, Canada.
*Rodrigue, L, *Soliz, A., Manaugh, K., El-Geneidy, A. (2024).
Active Travel Studies, , 3(2): 4, 1-20.
*Rodrigue, L, *Soliz, A., Manaugh, K., El-Geneidy, A. (2024).
Active Travel Studies, , 3(2): 4, 1-20.
Sociodemographic matters: Analyzing interactions of individuals' characteristics with walkability when modelling walking behavior
*Rodrigue, L., El-Geneidy, A., Manaugh, K. (2024).
Journal of transport geography
*Rodrigue, L., El-Geneidy, A., Manaugh, K. (2024).
Journal of transport geography
Opinions matter: Contrasting perceptions of major public transit projects in Montréal, Canada
*Rodrigue, L, *Soliz, A., Manaugh, K., Kestens, Y., El-Geneidy, A. (2024).
Transport Policy
*Rodrigue, L, *Soliz, A., Manaugh, K., Kestens, Y., El-Geneidy, A. (2024).
Transport Policy
Zoning In on Transit-Oriented Development: Understanding Bylaw Reform as Critical Policy Groundwork
*Soliz, A., *Rodrigue, L., *Peaker, C., *Bernard, I. & El-Geneidy, A.(2024).
Journal of the American Planning Association.
*Soliz, A., *Rodrigue, L., *Peaker, C., *Bernard, I. & El-Geneidy, A.(2024).
Journal of the American Planning Association.
Studying the interrelationship between telecommuting during COVID-19, residential local accessibility, and active travel: A panel study in Montréal, Canada.
*Victoriano-Habit, R. & El-Geneidy, A. (2024).
*Victoriano-Habit, R. & El-Geneidy, A. (2024).
Impacts of commute mode on body mass index: A longitudinal analysis before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
*Commers, G., *Victoriano-Habit, R., *Rodrigue, L., Kestens, Y., El-Geneidy A. (2023).
Transport and Health, 30, 101615.
*Commers, G., *Victoriano-Habit, R., *Rodrigue, L., Kestens, Y., El-Geneidy A. (2023).
Transport and Health, 30, 101615.
Toward evidence based urban planning: Integrating quality assessments in literature reviews.
*Ravensbergen, L., & El-Geneidy, A. (2023).
Journal of The American Planning Association, 89(3), 389-398.
*Ravensbergen, L., & El-Geneidy, A. (2023).
Journal of The American Planning Association, 89(3), 389-398.
Associations between light rail transit and physical activity: A systematic review.
*Ravensbergen, L., Wasfi, R., *Van Liefferinge, M., *Ehrlich, I. Prince, S., Butler, G., Kestens, Y., & El-Geneidy, A. (2023).
Transport Reviews, 43(2), 234–263.
*Ravensbergen, L., Wasfi, R., *Van Liefferinge, M., *Ehrlich, I. Prince, S., Butler, G., Kestens, Y., & El-Geneidy, A. (2023).
Transport Reviews, 43(2), 234–263.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
Intention to Use Light-Rail Transit and First-Mile Mode Choice.
*Villafuerte, J., DeWeese, J., Cui, B., Wasfi, R., Kestens, Y., & El-Geneidy A. (2022).
Paper accepted to be presented at the 101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA.
*Villafuerte, J., DeWeese, J., Cui, B., Wasfi, R., Kestens, Y., & El-Geneidy A. (2022).
Paper accepted to be presented at the 101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA.