Transportation Research at McGill (TRAM) is conducting a major research project measuring the social and well-being impacts of the construction of the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) project in Montreal. This research is funded by The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project numbers CIHR PJT-195797, CIHR LIM-192221, CPG-170602, and CPG-170602 X- 253156 and The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Project number CHRPJ 549576-20.
This page is dedicated to posting research produced from this project by students including policy briefs, reports, and peer reviewed publications.
Policy Briefs
  • Measuring the impacts of the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) Progress Report 2019-2023
  • Réseau express métropolitain (REM) Survey Report: 2019-2022
  • Report: Wave 2 of the survey
  • Report: Wave 1 of the survey
  • Report: Impacts du Réseau Express Métropolitain sur les résidents de Longueuil
Peer Reviewed Publications
Towards a better understanding of the construction impacts of a light rail system in Montréal, Canada.
*James, M., *Rodrigue, L., El-geneidy, A. (2024).
Transportation Research Record
Situating divergent perceptions of a rapid-cycling network in Montréal, Canada.
*Rodrigue, L, *Soliz, A., Manaugh, K., El-Geneidy, A. (2024).
Active Travel Studies, , 3(2): 4, 1-20.
Opinions matter: Contrasting perceptions of major public transit projects in Montréal, Canada
*Rodrigue, L, *Soliz, A., Manaugh, K., Kestens, Y., El-Geneidy, A. (2024).
Transport Policy
Zoning In on Transit-Oriented Development: Understanding Bylaw Reform as Critical Policy Groundwork
*Soliz, A., *Rodrigue, L., *Peaker, C., *Bernard, I. & El-Geneidy, A.(2024).
Journal of the American Planning Association.
Impacts of commute mode on body mass index: A longitudinal analysis before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
*Commers, G., *Victoriano-Habit, R., *Rodrigue, L., Kestens, Y., El-Geneidy A. (2023).
Transport and Health, 30, 101615.
Toward evidence based urban planning: Integrating quality assessments in literature reviews.
*Ravensbergen, L., & El-Geneidy, A. (2023).
Journal of The American Planning Association, 89(3), 389-398.
Associations between light rail transit and physical activity: A systematic review.
*Ravensbergen, L., Wasfi, R., *Van Liefferinge, M., *Ehrlich, I. Prince, S., Butler, G., Kestens, Y., & El-Geneidy, A. (2023).
Transport Reviews, 43(2), 234–263.
Who does light rail serve? Light-rail transit and gendered mobilities in Montreal.
*Villafuerte, J., *Victoriano-Habit, R., Soliz, A., El-Geneidy, A. (2023).
Transportation Research Record.
Foot-based microscale audit of light rail network in Montreal Canada
*Daley, J., *Rodrigue, L, *Ravensbergen, L., DeWeese, J., Butler, G., Kestens, Y., & El-Geneidy A. (2022).
Transport and Health, 24, 1-14.
Factors influencing subjective walkability: Results from built environment audit data.
*Rodrigue, L, *Daley, J., *Ravensbergen, L., Manaugh, K., Wasfi, R., Butler, G., & El-Geneidy A. (2022).
Journal of Transport and Land Use, 15(1)709–727.
Market-Segmentation Study of Future and Potential Users of the New Réseau Express Métropolitain Light Rail in Montreal, Canada
*Dent, N., *Hawa, L., DeWeese, J., Wasfi, R., Kestens, Y, El-Geneidy, A. (2021).
Transportation Research Record, 2675(10), 1043-1054.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
Intention to Use Light-Rail Transit and First-Mile Mode Choice.
*Villafuerte, J., DeWeese, J., Cui, B., Wasfi, R., Kestens, Y., & El-Geneidy A. (2022).
Paper accepted to be presented at the 101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA.
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